

I got this from the featured article on http://www.starwars.wikia.com/, so it may seem a little random. The featured article was on a male Arkanian, so I clicked Arkanian--a little variation, you know? You can't learn everything from the movies.

But anyway, Arkanians (ar-KAY-nee-uns) are from--you guessed it!--Arkania. They are white-skinned humanoids with white eyes and four-fingered, clawed hands. They can also see in the infrared spectrum, which reminds me of the Kaminoans who can see in ultraviolet light. Since many Arkanian scientists are experts at genetic modifications, the Arcanian species is now divided into a number of subspecies. This race is known to be arrogant, thinking higher of themselves than those around them. Their adjustments led to the Xexto species being turned into the Quermian species.


1 comment:

Peyton said...

LOL!!! when i first saw the article i thought it sayed anikans!! LOL!! :D