This Kel Dor (KELL DOOR), contrary to information from my misled neighbor, was actually killed over Cato Neimoidia (KAY-to neh-MOID-ee-uh), not Coruscant, which is where we thought he was killed. Plo Koon (PLO KOON) was a member of the Jedi Council until he was killed by Clone Troopers under his command, obviously as a result of Order 66. When Emporer Palpatine, or Darth Sidious, told the Clones, "Execute Order 66," I thought that "execute" was part of the name of the order, not that he was telling them to execute the order called Order 66. Anyway, he was shot down by the Clone Troopers formerly under his command, ending the Jedi life that began on Dorin. His niece was also a Jedi, and helped the Jedi communicate with the rest of the Republic's force during the Stark Hyperspace War. Since Plo's race cannot breathe in an atmosphere with so much oxygen, he was forced to don a mask and goggles, the former of which provided him with air friendly to his lungs. Mentored by Tyvokka (tie-VOCK-kuh) and mentoring Bultar Swan (BULL-tar SWAN) and Lissarkh (lis-SARK), he was a skilled swordsman and loyal Jedi.
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