
Darth Maul

When Darth Maul (I hope you know how to pronounce that) was young, Darth Sidious (SID-ee-uss) took him from Iridonia (eye-ri-DOH-nee-uh), his home planet, to mentor him in the dark side of the force. During his tutelage, Darth Sidious saw him as a useful tool for his ambtious nature. Darth Maul was outfitted with Sith tattoos all over his body by adolescence, and was fairly loyal; he only ever considered killing his master until what is called his "final test." Sidious pitted Maul against another Force-user, one he considered taking on as his apprentice, but the young Zabrak (ZAB-rack) won. After a month of abandonment, Sidious returned to challenge Maul to a duel. When Darth Maul lost, he was so enraged by his master's contempt that the evil Dark Lord of the Sith told the Zabrak he was to be Darth Maul, because of his "biting" show of hatred of his master. (For, of course, Maul bit him.)

Though Darth Maul was very successful in all the assassinations he carried out, he wished to duel with and kill Jedi. When he dueled with Master Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, however, he did emerge victor over Qui-Gon, but, in underestimating the skill in his apprentice, was chopped in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi.

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