
General Grievous

I know it seems silly that I haven't blogged about this character yet, what with my obvious obsession with him. Well, here he is.

General Grievous was a Kaleesh cyborg, formerly known as Qymaen jai Sheelal (QUEE-men JY shuh-LOLL). The warlord from Kalee had a shuttle crash, and was given the robotic skeleton of a Krath war droid to supplement what little remained of his biotic self: his brain, sensory organs, and his nervous system. He was quite arrogant due to his skill and tact in combat, but often ran when in sight of defeat--to many, such as Jedi Master Mace Windu, he was viewed as a coward.

As a young Kaleesh warrior, he was famous for his marksmanship against the Huk, technically called the Yam'rii. By eight he had slain more than forty, and by twenty-two the number was so great that he was considered a demigod.

He was shot several times by Obi-Wan Kenobi at the end of the duel between the two and his organs ignited, killing the Kaleesh cyborg. He was worshipped on Kalee after his death. His parts were salvaged and used to create N-K Necrosis, a masculine combat droid that lived a relatively short life, to be destroyed and gutted by an unidentified group of spacers.


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