

Midi-chlorians (MID-ee CLOR-ee-uns), the residents of all living cells, are the enablers of life and knowledge of the Force. They are responsible for the perception of the Force and the ability to manipulate it or be controlled by it. Anakin Skywalker, his son Luke Skywalker, and Yoda are the three Jedi with the highest concentration of midi-chlorians in their cells. They were known to have more Force-induced visions or premonitions then other Jedi with similar ability. A higher-than-normal count of midi-chlorians usually indicates Force-sensitivity, while some nonsentient species are connected to the Force anyway: vornskrs, ysalamiri, voxyn, and dashta eels, and all but the eels are native to Myrkr. The midi-chlorian rate for normal, non-Force-sensitive creatures is about 2,000-2,500 midi-chlorians per cell, and Anakin had over 20,000 per cell. One particular non-Jedi Force-sensitive human was Nova Stihl, an Imperial sergeant, at over 5,000 midi-chlorians per cell. Some have experimented with artifically imbuing a creature with midi-chlorians, or transferring them. A Dark Jedi called Desann transferred dark Force energy into people to give them Force-sensitivity, too.


Anon said...

I love midichlorians on my oatmeal!

Peyton said...

hey, yo

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