This purple-outfitted Clawdite assassin and bounty hunter is quite a sight. Killed by Jango Fett as a ploy to keep himself anonymus, Obi-wan Kenobi took the liberty of taking off Zam Wesell's (ZAM weh-SELL) right arm from the elbow down. Zam comes from Zolan, and can shapeshift into similar--but not by any means normal--forms. She had reddish-blonde hair in human form, but was, in reality, a reptilian humanoid--a Clawdite changeling.
As Anakin said, "I think he is a she. And I think she is a changeling."
The last words of Zam Wesell were Huttese; she was cursing her employer Jango Fett in Huttese. She preferred her blaster pistol, but used a projectile rifle to keep herself hidden (blaster bolts kind of glow), if only at the insistence of Fett.
How do you know Zam was cursing Jango when she said that because i dont think there were subtitles
I read that book I got for Christmas, the one about Anakin, from rise to fall, from light to dark and back. It said that Anakin recognized the Huttese from his upbringing on a planet controlled by the main users of this language.
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